“I can understand to be poor, but you can be poor and clean,” is what South Bruce Peninsula Mayor Garry Michi was recorded as saying in an audio clip released to the public via SoundCloud last week.
In the audio recording, uploaded to SoundCloud by user SaubleSam, Michi is questioning the fiscal sense to build a water treatment plant for the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation along the Bruce Peninsula, who have been under a boil water advisory since January 2019.
“What I’m saying is where’s all this going to end. 20 or 25 years ago, they put a water treatment plant up at Cape Croker. It got ruined because they didn’t maintain it, now we’ve spent $65 million up there to put hydrants and a new water treatment plant, and 75 per cent of the those houses, I mean, they should be torn down,” Michi said in the recording.
As a result of the recording, which has been authenticated by the Town of South Bruce Peninsula as being from Mayor Garry Michi, the Chippewas of Nawash leadership are calling for his immediate resignation.
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CTV News
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023