
Virtual addictions program in Thamesville shuts down due to funding issues – CBC News [2023-08-20]

A Thamesville, Ont., organization says it’s being forced to shut down its virtual recovery program because its been unable to secure sustainable funding.

Westover Treatment Centre, running in Chatham-Kent since 1986, stopped the program this month, and has had to lay off highly-skilled addictions counsellors, said Laird Brush, the organization’s executive director.

“We’ve had to turn clients away that that won’t have access to addiction treatment because it’s not available to them,” he said. “As a result, people are going to stay sick and some of them are going to die.”

The virtual addiction treatment day program launched in October 2021 during the pandemic with funding from the Ministry of Health. Funding ended in March of this year, and while they’ve tried to run the program since, it’s no longer financially feasible, he said.

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CBC News
August 20, 2023

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Canada’s use of metric system turning 50 - Global News [2024-12-31]

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Environment Canada’s use of Celsius turns 50 years old in 2025. It was the catalyst of a lengthy national metric co...