
Why You Shouldn’t Call the Police on an Unhoused Person (and What to Do Instead) – Lifehacker [2023-05-26]

People think we’ve got the market cornered on houselessness here in Portland, Ore., but traveling across Idaho, Utah, and Arizona this winter helped confirm that this is not a uniquely West Coast Thing; it’s endemic. Houseless folks make people anxious, which explains how housed people often react. They made me anxious, too, when someone camped on my sidewalk for the first time. My anxiousness embarrassed me, so I became curious where it came from.

That curiosity led me to a series of experiences trying to help people who were experiencing houselessness, working with mutual aid agencies, government services, and nonprofits. I don’t have all the answers, but I have developed personal policies that help guide my actions now. They are imperfect, and always evolving, but here’s what I’ve learned along the way.

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May 26, 2023

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Canada’s use of metric system turning 50 - Global News [2024-12-31]

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Environment Canada’s use of Celsius turns 50 years old in 2025. It was the catalyst of a lengthy national metric co...