
Anti-trans rallies met with counter-protests across Ontario – Global News [2023-09-20]

Anti-trans rallies across Canada were met by crowds affirming their support for transgender youth facing a climate of increasing hate, as rhetoric and debate over sex education curriculums grows louder.

Across Ontario, participants in rallies organized by the group “1MillionMarch4Children” — which claims participants are “standing together against gender ideology in schools” — were met by counter-protestors Wednesday morning.

In Toronto, hundreds gathered north of Queens Park as part of the 1 Million March, chanting “leave our children alone,” while thousands gathered in opposition. Police were present on foot, horseback and bicycles.

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Global News
September 20, 2023

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Canada’s use of metric system turning 50 - Global News [2024-12-31]

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Environment Canada’s use of Celsius turns 50 years old in 2025. It was the catalyst of a lengthy national metric co...