
Red-flags raised around medically-assisted death in Canada’s prisons – Global News [2023-10-13]

Since it first became legal in Canada in June 2016, 10 federal prisoners have been granted a medically-assisted death (MAID), according to the Correctional Service of Canada.

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) also says that as of Aug. 31 this year, a total of 32 prisoners have requested MAID. The numbers rose slightly from May 31, 2023, when the number of requests totalled 29. At that time, nine people were deemed eligible, and granted a medically-assisted death.

The CSC declined to provide a further breakdown of the numbers, citing privacy reasons.

But the procedures and practices of accessing MAID in Canada’s prisons is a cause for concern among advocates and experts alike.

Kim Beaudin is the National Vice-Chief of the Aboriginal Peoples Congress and has been advocating on behalf of Indigenous peoples in the justice system for two decades. He has concerns about the justice system as a whole and the disproportion representation and impact on Indigenous peoples.

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Global News
October 13, 2023

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Canada’s use of metric system turning 50 - Global News [2024-12-31]

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Environment Canada’s use of Celsius turns 50 years old in 2025. It was the catalyst of a lengthy national metric co...