
Council urged to support permanent funding for public washrooms downtown - CTV News [2024-01-18]

Coun. Skylar Franke said a movement towards ‘needs-based budgeting’ at city hall must include support for basic human needs like public washrooms.

“A lot of places require that you purchase something like a coffee or a bagel to use their washrooms and that’s not feasible for everyone,” Franke explained. “I know a lot of families, a lot of moms, that are out there with their kids who need to go and use [a washroom] really quickly.”

A business case in the upcoming 2024-2027 municipal budget seeks permanent funding to operate the public washrooms on Dundas Place and in the Victoria Park bandshell for 12 hours each day.

The additional $350,000 per year would fund security, cleaning, washroom supplies, and maintenance/repairs.

The business case warns that without the financial increase, current base funding will only keep the public washrooms open 5 hours each day and during special events.

The alternatives to public washrooms are limited for 28-year-old Corey, who has struggled with homelessness for years, “Pretty much you have to pay for [food at a restaurant] to use the washroom, or go behind some dumpster.”

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CTV News
January 18, 2024

Happy Birthday, Celsius! Canada’s use of metric system turning 50 - Global News [2024-12-31]

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